Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Puuda Maggui's Myspace Music WInners: Part 2

The Johns
Starting off the second half of the two part series, The Johns, come in 2nd place. Usually when I hear the term "Indie Rock", I think of crap, but The Johns have shown me that there is still some serious hope in the genre. Coming from the Big Apple where bands come at a dime a dozen, The Johns stick out with their unique vocals, and catchy lyrics. If this isn't enough to get you to check them out, if you do go to their Myspace, there will be a hot chick that will jump out of their Myspace.

Hall's Guide Service

Finally, coming in 1st place is Hall's Guide Service (HGS), the greatest funk rock band on Myspace! With their, more than usual, complicated bass lines and sweet and unsucky/nonscreaming lyrics made them my first choice to start. The other reason why they stuck out to me is their age compared to the other bands in the contest, which their age ranges from 16-18. Their lead singer/guitarist, Jake, and their drummer, Andy, both just start college this year.

Jake and James also have their own solo work on Myspace as well, and I've also hear word that their Bassist, Luke may record some solo work as well. So when you add up their age, their level of complicated music, their love of music and their unsucky songs, it shows that each member of the band individually can go somewhere with their musical abilites. Besides, they live in Bemidji, Minnesota; Puuda Maggui's largest location of avid readers (yet for some reason number two is Petaling Jaya, Malaysia).

This also leads me to give the state with the best Myspace bands award to Minnesota, who gave me BRP and HGS. To find The Johns' and HGS' Myspace, check out my Myspace in my top 5.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Puuda Maggui's Myspace Music Winners: Part 1

The Bob Ross Project
Coming up in 5th place of the least suckiest bands on Myspace is "The Bob Ross Project". The name of this band will make you click on the slow loading link, but their groovy jazz-funk hybrid music will make you stay and listen to their songs. If they had so few friends, I'd say they were a professional band.

Andrew Gordon

In 4th place is the D.J. Andrew Gordon and his soothing techno/electronica. This is great work, and many fans of this kind of music will enjoy this after listening to too much "Sandstorm" and being rejected by numerous potential dates as they danced to it.

The Bonesmen

For 3rd place is "The Bonesmen". The original Lynyrd Skynyrd may be gone, but with a few more songs recorded, The Bonesmen could be on their way to being the next big thing in southern rock. They also have a kick-ass logo as well which helps as well. Yet, since this contest is only about the music, they would still have gotten 3rd place with a picture of a bull being milked.

NOTE: Due to my tight schedule, I will be out of town tomorrow and will not be able to post the second half until tuesday. I may also add onto the current three, but as of now my current words are enough to hopefully make you want to check them out. I was originally going to have 3 bands/artists, but found out I couldn't leave out a couple since they are all really don't suck. Also sorry to those of you other not-so sucky bands who I didn't add due to the fact I wanted bands with less than 20k friends.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

How To Tell If You Spend too Much Time Online...

What happened to painting and using clay?

P.S. This crappy art doesn't even transfer well...

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Puuda's Great Myspace Music Contest



Recently, I have found out that not all bands on MySpace suck. I also found out some of them could also use more publicity. So, since I am such a great and generous person, I will give 5(originally 3)artists/bands,that I think is worthy, a short explanation on my site explaining why they don't suck.
-I will do some searching by myself, but if anyone has a band, tell me or add me

-NO! I will not use a famous MySpace artist/band, only the lesser known artists

-No begging or bribing aloud! I don't want what you have...

-Do not speak of guidelines

-There are no guidelines...oops overdone joke. OK, the last two don't count, and pretty much if you don't suck within 17 seconds into one of your songs, you will be given a careful ear.